(Talk to God)

(Get to know God better)

(Love God in your neighbor)

David Reising
Director, Faith Formation

Life is all about our relationship with God! He created us so that He could love us and so that we could love Him in return. To find meaning and true happiness in our lives is to be in a loving relationship with God. Pretty simple, right? And yet we all know how hard it is at times to live out this simple truth. Often we busy ourselves with so many things, even good things, that we forget to dedicate time to build the most important relationship in our lives: our relationship with God.

At St. Luke’s we worship, we teach, we care. And to do this we need a deep personal relationship with God. How can we worship God properly if we don’t take the time to talk to Him? How can we teach about God if we do not know God? How can we care for others if we do not see the face of Christ in them? St. Luke’s adult faith formation is dedicated to helping men and women grow in their relationship with God. We do this in the same way we would grow in a relationship with anyone: by talking to Him and spending time with Him (prayer), by getting to know Him better (study), and by loving Him in our neighbor (evangelization).

The Resurrection of Jesus is such overwhelmingly Good News that a single day is not enough to celebrate it. The Lord’s Resurrection is meant to be celebrated intensely for the whole week following Easter (known as the Octave), the whole liturgical Season of Easter (lasting until Pentecost, this year May 19), and every Sunday thereafter (each as a mini-Easter). Click Here or on the image above for the Diocese’s Living Easter resource!


Other Opportunities To Grow In Your Relationship With God